The Search For Our District's Next Superintendent

  • In fall 2023, District Superintendent King Laurence announced his plans to retire in July 2024. The School Board of Aiken County contracted with the South Carolina School Board's Association (SCSBA) in October 2023, to conduct a nationwide search for our District's next superintendent. Details of the search are included here. 

Superintendent Search Updates

  • COMMUNITY INPUT SOUGHT - As the school board, with the assistance of the South Carolina School Board’s Association (SCSBA), began the search for Aiken County Public School’s next superintendent, community input was requested through participation in Community Input Meetings and an electronic survey.   

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  • INPUT SUMMARIZED & SHARED - The South Carolina School Board’s Association (SCSBA) held focus groups, community meetings, and made available a survey for stakeholder input regarding ACPSD's next superintendent. The summary of information collected was presented to the school board to consider as they reviewed superintendent candidates. Please click on the words "Superintendent Search Community Input Summary" to access the report provided by the SCSBA. 

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  • SUPERINTENDENT FINALISTS ANNOUNCED - At the January 23, 2024, school board meeting, trustees named three finalists, including Dr. Chan Anderson, Dr. Amy Edwards, and Dr. Corey Murphy. Please click on the words "Superintendent Finalists Press Release" for a bio provided by the SCSBA on each candidate with links included to each candidate's CV. 

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  • UPDATE ON THE SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH & COMMUNITY RECEPTION PLANNED TO MEET THE FINALISTS - On January 26 and 27, Board Chairman Cam Nuessle shared an update on the board's search for a new District Superintendent with numerous media outlets and the District issued a Press Release with those details, including an invitation for stakeholders to attend a Community Reception to meet the Superintendent Finalists. For the press release, please click on the words "School Board Invites Community To Meet Superintendent Finalists." 

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    Invitation to Community Reception

The Search Is Over... Dr. Corey Murphy Announced As Incoming Superintendent

Get To Know Dr. Murphy

  • The three finalists in our school board’s search for ACPSD’s next superintendent introduced themselves and shared their vision for our school district during a Community Reception held Saturday, February 3. If you were not able to attend, we invite you to get to know our District's incoming superintendent Dr. Corey Murphy virtually by clicking on his name or the image of the video below.