

    If you are looking for student assignments please go to your class page on schoology.  I add things every week.  Look for  updates, assignments and powerpoint notes on Schoology.  Also please check Powerschool to view the gradebook to see your current grade and what you may be missing.

    Thanks for visiting.



    Dear LBC students and  parents,

         Welcome to a new school year.  I am looking forward to getting to know your child.  I hope he or she will have a wonderful year in Science class.  Please read the following with your child.

     Overview of class

    Start with a question of the day

    91在线资源work, quizzes, tests and any other need to know information will be written on the board.  Students are to check this area everyday and copy the information into their agenda.  Please check their agenda at least weekly to stay current with class happenings.  Class information will also be posted on my school website.

     Incomplete classwork/homework:  Students may turn in work late.

     Absent /Make-up work

    When a student is absent they have 5 days from when they return to turn in missing assignments.  It is the student’s responsibility to get any missed work or notes and to turn in assignments on time.

     Extra Credit

    Students are encouraged to turn in 25 note cards before a test for 5 points on the test.  Note cards are like flash cards that can be used to help the student review for the test.  The notecards need to be in the child’s own handwriting, have the students name on the top card, be numbered, and be legible.  Notecards cannot be turned in after the test.

     Extra Help

    I am available before school just about everyday and during lunch or after school by appointment.


    There will be several projects throughout the year. They will be announced and explained during class.  Projects will not be expensive for the parent; some will be completed in class.

     Supplies: textbook, notebook, pen or pencil everyday, colored pencils as needed

     Grading Policy: Tests/Projects 40 %, Classwork/homework 30%, Quizzes 20%,  Labs 10%

      Classroom procedures and rules

    Be polite and respectful to all                                Book bags must fit under desk

    Be on time                                                                    No gum, drinks, or food

    Come prepared for class                                          Use the restroom between classes

    You need permission and your agenda to leave class


    Cheating is turning in work that is not your own; it is also copying or letting some one copy your work.  Students caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment and lunch detention (or more depending on severity of the offense). 

     Discipline policy

    Students will be instructed in the disciple policy and the consequences.

    1st Student will receive non-verbal and /or verbal warnings.

    2nd Lunch Detention may be served.

    3rd Parent will be called or receive written notice.


    Science topics for the year

    1st nine weeks                                                                                2nd nine weeks

    Lab safety and Scientific Method                                            Finish Properties of Matter

    Organization of Matter                                                              Structures of Living Organisms

     Physical and Chemical Properties                                         Structures of Human Body Systems


    3rd nine weeks                                                                               4th nine weeks

    Finish Body systems                                                                    Finish Ecosystems

    Genetics                                                                                           Prepare for End of Year Testing

    Ecosystems                                                                                     STEM activities


    Final thoughts

    I want all students to be successful in class and beyond.  I expect them to become productive and self-directed.  I would like to have an academically strong and enjoyable year for all.  Through student, parent, and teacher involvement all students can succeed.  Please feel free to contact me at jemmons@acpsd.net.  


    Again, welcome, let’s have a great year!


     Mrs. Emmons





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