• Ms. Smith’s Daily Schedule 2023-2024

      7:30-7:50: Intervention (20 mins)


      7:50-9:50: ELA: Reading and Writing Workshop (120 mins)


      9:50-11:10: Math (80 mins)


      Lunch: 11:10-11:40 (30 mins)


      11:40-11:50: Math (10 mins)


      11:50-12:10: Science/Social Studies (20 mins)


      12:10-12:55: Specials/Planning (45 mins)


      12:55-1:15: Physical Activity (20 mins)


      1:15-1:35: Science/Social Studies (25 mins)


      1:40-2:30: ELA/Math Intervention (50 mins)


      2:30: Pack-Up/Dismissal



      Welcome to Second Grade!

      Dear Parent or Guardian:

      Welcome to Ms.Smith’s second grade class. Please take a moment to read this newsletter. You will find important details such as the homework policy, PM transportation, classroom expectations, and schedules. I look forward to teaching your child this school year.


      Ms. Smith


      Students should bring home their HW folder every night.  It is labeled "Keep at 91在线资源" and "Return to School".  Please remove all papers from the "Keep at 91在线资源" side daily.  This may include informational flyers, updates/reminders, and classwork.  Please check the "Return to School" side each night for homework and forms that need to be signed/completed.  91在线资源work will typically include Fundations unit introductions and practice, spelling practice, and occasionally math or unfinished work.  

      **Agendas will be provided this year. Please check the agenda daily for daily homework, notes, and behavior updates. Please sign your initials in the parent/teacher comment section.


      Throughout the school year, your child may need to travel home from school in a different manner than stated on the registration card. If this happens, you must send a note or fax stating how your child is to get home. Otherwise, your child will be sent home as normal. This is for the protection and safety of your child.


      If you move during the school year or your phone number(s) change, please contact the school (803-641-2450) with the changes as soon as possible. We need to be able to reach you before, during, and after school hours.


      Conferences may be scheduled with the teacher throughout the school year. They will be scheduled before school, during planning time, or after school if available. Conferences will not be held while the children are in the classroom. Please feel free to set up a classroom observation. Upon arrival of an approved observation, drop by the office to sign in and receive a visitor’s pass. Please do not bring small children with you during an observation or more than two adults. To have an environment conducive to learning, we need minimal distractions as possible. You may reach me through the school office (803-641-2450) or by email (jsmith19@acpsd.net).


      At East Aiken School of the Arts, we utilize a school-wide discipline system called Acting Right. Each student is expected to:

      -Control his/her body

      -Control his/her voice

      -Use his/her imagination




      I will control my body.

      I will control my voice.

      I will cooperate with others.

      I will make strong choices.

      I will always do my best.


      Verbal reminder

      Loss of privileges

      Phone call home

      Parent-teacher conference

      *These consequences may be modified based on individual student needs. All students are expected to follow the Student Code of Conduct as well as our personal classroom expectations. Please read over these expectations and consequences with your child.



      Tickets-earned for good choices/efforts

      Positive notes/phone calls home

      STAR student

      Earn incentives (stickers, pencils, etc..)


      The arts classes will be at 12:10-12:55 each day. Remember that tennis shoes and pants/shorts are required for PE and Dance.

      Monday – Art

      Tuesday –Dance

      Wednesday – Drama

      Thursday –P.E

      Friday – Music


      Breakfast – 7:00-7:30 AM

      School begins – 7:30 AM

      Lunch – 11:10-11:40 AM

      Physical Activity – 12:55-1:15 PM

      School dismissal – 2:30 PM


      Class snacks (for the entire class) will be accepted. All snacks must be store purchased and individually wrapped.


      Birthday invitations should be mailed to students unless the entire class is invited to the celebration. Please see Mrs. Glover concerning birthday treats during school hours to ensure the correct number of students in the class. Store bought cupcakes, cookies, or ice cream may be served during our lunchtime.


      Your child will bring home a folder with his/her graded work each Wednesday/Thursday. Please evaluate and review the work with your child and remove the work from the folder. The folder needs to be signed and returned to school the next day. If you have questions or concerns, please note them and return the note and graded papers in the folder. 


      Math/Reading       50% Tests

                                 50% Classwork

      Science/Health     80% Science

                                20% Health

      Social Studies       50% Tests                  

                                 50% Classwork

      English Language Arts

                                     20% Spelling

                                     40% Grammar

                                     40% Composition


      Accommodate differences,

      Reveal a passion for learning,

      Teach appreciation, and

      Stimulate creativity.



      At East Aiken School of the Arts, we are striving for academic excellence through the arts!

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