• AP Psychology

    Kasey Davidson

    Room D303

    Email: kaseyking@acpsd.net

    Syllabus: Syllabus

    Course Supply List: 

    3 ring binder, loose leaf notebook paper. subject dividers for your binder, blue/black ink pens

    Course Syllabus:

    AP Psychology Course Syllabus

    Instructions on how to access Schoology:

    Many of our teachers use Schoology to assign schoolwork to students.  As a parent, you can access your child’s Schoology account to view your child’s activity.


    To access Schoology, you will need to follow the directions below. 


    When you are prompted to enter your parent access code, please enter: 


    1ST Semester Parent Access Code: RHTN-DPHC-J5S79


    2ND Semester Parent Access Code: R94N-R3D7-326PN


    Parents: Register to view your child’s activity 


    1. In your browser, navigate to?.?


    1. In the top right corner of the screen, hover over ?Register.




    1. Select ?Parent? from the options in the drop-down menu.


    1. Input your Parent Access Code in red. Enter that code here:



    1. Enter your name, email address, and password. Once you log in, you’ll be able to browse your child’s activity by clicking the arrow to the right of your name and selecting your child’s name from the top right drop-down menu.



    1. You also have the option to associate additional children using Schoology with this account. To associate additional children, click the down-facing arrow in the top right of your Schoology account, select ?Add Child?, and enter the Parent Access Code of your other child/children.



    YouTube video resource for getting to know Schoology: