• Chukker Creek Elementary
    Mrs. Holt

    Supply List: 

    1 Book Bag (non-rolling)1 pair of blunt tip Fiskars Scissors12 Elmer glue sticks1 Pair of Headphones (not earbuds)24 -No. 2 pencils1 pack of Crayola Markers4 -packs of 24 count Crayola Crayons1 4 pack of Play-doh 1 Pencil Box1 Watercolor paint tray  

    1 pack of dry erase markers (2-4 count


    Wish List:
    Ziplock Bags (gallon/quart sizes)
    Baby Wipes
    Paper Cups (5-8oz)
    Extra Student Scissors/Play-doh/Glue
    Sticks/Dry-Erase Markers


    Students will also need a water bottle every day.  If your child has a water bottle that sweats, please use a coozie so that we don’t have water rings on our tables.  Also, please be sure the bottle does not leak (check valves and lids).


    Bus/Car Tags:

    Kindergarten students will be given a tag with transportation information on it.  Please be sure this tag is on your student each morning before he/she comes to school.  This is critical in making sure all the students get home in the proper way.

     Morning Drop-Off:

    The carline will begin at 7:00. Students may not be dropped off before that time.  Only the front carline will be utilized for drop-off.  Students dropped off in carline should report to the classroom unless they need to grab breakfast.  If that is the case, they can go to the lunchroom to eat breakfast and then report to the classroom. Bus riders will be escorted into the building from the bus ramp and taken to pick up breakfast or to the classroom.  The tardy bell rings at 7:30. Students that arrive after 7:30 will need to go to the main office, using the front doors of the school, to receive a tardy pass.  An adult will pick up late students from the office and escort them to class.  All other buildings will be locked at 7:30 for safety purposes. We have an Ignore the Door policy and everyone must enter through the main office.  Students and teachers may not open the door for anyone.  



    Afternoon Dismissal:

    Bus riders will be escorted to the bus ramp.  An adult will make sure that every child gets on the correct bus. 


    Quest Zone students will be escorted to the lunchroom.  Quest Zone staff will be waiting for them in the lunchroom.


    Car riders will remain in the classroom.  When your child's name appears, they will be dismissed to carline.  We will have 5th grade safety patrols helping them get to their cars the first few weeks of school.  

    If you will be picking up in car line, please have your transportation number displayed in the front window of the vehicle.  The person calling names will walk past your car and relay this information to the office. 


    Signing out:

    If you need to sign your student out early, please contact the school in advance of your arrival and he/she will be ready and waiting.



    Please remember that your child needs a book bag every day, in addition to the supplies listed on the website/school supply list.  We also request that each student bring a water bottle every day.  



    Please be sure your student is able to open everything in his/her lunch box without assistance.  I suggest doing a trial run at home to make sure your child is able to open juice boxes, ziplock bags, lunchables, etc.  



    We will have a snack time.  If you would like to donate snacks to the classroom, they will need to be store-bought and in the original packaging.



    Birthdays are an exciting time in Kindergarten.  Please check with me during your child’s birthday month to plan the day that we will have our birthday celebration. 


    Daily Folders:

    Your child’s folder will be sent home daily and should be returned each day.  Our weekly newsletter will be stapled in your child’s agenda/folder at the begining of each week.  I will contact you directly with any specific information about your child.  Please email or message me on ClassDojo if there is ever a transportation change or anything else you need to let me know. 



    91在线资源work will begin shortly after school starts.  It will be sent home on Mondays and collected on Fridays.  91在线资源work should take about 5-10 minutes per day.  If you have any questions or difficulties with the homework, please reach out to me.  We are a team and I will help in any way possible.  91在线资源work will reinforce what we are working on at school and provide parents/families with an opportunity to see what we are learning.



    If your child’s transportation home in the afternoon should change, please make sure to send an email or message me on ClassDojo.  If I do not receive a message, we will not be able to allow the change in transportation.  This is for the safety of our students. 



    Please be sure to dress your child in clothes that he/she can manage without assistance.  I encourage you to teach your child to tie his/her shoes, or send them in shoes that do not tie.  Flip flops are not allowed.  Please be sure your child wears athletic shoes on PE days.  I will make note of PE on our weekly newsletter.      


    Please pack a change of clothes in your child’s book bag just in case of an accident.  These will remain in your child’s book bag unless they are needed, or if you prefer to leave them at school, they can be stored in the classroom closet. If you choose to leave them at school, please label the bag.  This helps not only with bathroom accidents, but also for spills, and will keep us from having to go to the office if there is an accident.  Don’t forget extra underwear and socks.




    All money must be in an envelope labeled with your child’s name, teacher’s name, and the purpose of the money.  


               Ex:  John Brown

                       Mrs. Holt 5k

                       Field Trip Money



    On PE days, please remember to send your child in athletic shoes.  They will not be allowed to participate if they are not dressed appropriately.  It will be very hot the first few weeks of school.




    If your child has a medical condition that requires medicine during the school day, please email the school nurse for a form.  NO medicine can be brought to school by a student, a parent must bring it.



    Behavior Expectations:

    Kindergartners have many adjustments to make this year, and we will be teaching them about making good choices and being a leader. We use a school-wide program called “The Leader In Me”. Students will be taught the 7 Habits to help them be great leaders. We will make sure to communicate with you about your child’s behavior if needed. This could be an email, phone call or a requested Parent/Teacher conference. We also do a lot of positive behavior reinforcement in class. If, at any time, you are concerned about behaviors, please feel free to contact me.


    Star Student:

    Each week we will draw a student’s name to be the star student.  I will send home a list of activities for the star students to complete each week.  Please keep in mind that the star student is chosen randomly each week.  Every student will have a turn during the year.



    Contact Information:

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  The best way to reach me is by email or on classtag.  My school email address is sholt@acpsd.net. You can reach me on ClassDojo. I also have a class website that can be accessed from our school website.  My planning time is 12:40-1:25.


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